“Fellowship is not two or more Christians in the presence of coffee … Fellowship is when we’re honest with one another; when we drop the pretense; when we are real with one another. That is fellowship.” – Sam Allberry, BASECAMP 2024

Every year at BASECAMP, men gather under the Word of God – taking time out to be in fellowship with one another, to dedicate to their relationship with God, and go away refreshed and inspired to live out their faith in work, family and life. This year, speakers Sam Allberry and Jonathan Andrews spoke on the necessary topic, “Brotherhood: Life Together”.

Sam Allberry preaching at BASECAMP Men's Conference 2024 in Katoomba.
Sam Allberry preaching at BASECAMP Men’s Conference 2024 in Katoomba.

Over 1,700 men joined the conference over two weekends and online, from over 370 churches nationwide in August to share in food, fellowship and rich teaching from the Bible. The theme of brotherhood resonated deeply, with attendees encouraged to think about who they had as a ‘3am mate’ – someone they could call at 3am, and how they could be that mate for those around them. Men were particularly encouraged by seeing the practical ways they could live out Christian brotherhood with one another.

“Was encouraged and challenged to see the importance of investing deeply into my brotherly friendships. I want to put into practice what I learnt and was challenged, which has started with making some face to face hangouts with my 3am friends.”

“The teaching really helped us open up and look inside at what God was trying to talk to us about. It was a great time away with the men from my church to focus on being a Christian brother, husband, father, and son.”

“Reminded of some truths that are often not spoken about in a typical church environment. Spending time with guys from church. Hearing a talk such as Jonathan’s helps put the theory of our Christian walk into reality of life as a ‘man’.”

“It has given me a new over look on confessing sin to my brothers as well as to God. It amazes me how we can be OK to confess to God but be scared to confess to our brothers; we should be more scared to confess to God, because he is God and perfect. I realised that I would rather be judged here on earth by man then to be judged by God.”

“Attending BASECAMP is always a great encouragement and reset. Having attended since Men’s Convention started in 1996 (!), I’ve been encouraged more and more each year to be more the man God made me to be than the one I am. This year, I was particularly instilled with the importance of having a 3am mate (and being one to someone else)! I’ve already come home and am meeting up with someone so we can develop that co-mentoring and support role for each other, even if that sometimes just means a quick check-in.”

“When it gets to me, I ring a mate.”

A particular highlight of the conference was an interview with Steve Turner and Keith Lord about their 40+ year friendship in Christ. Keith first shared his story with the BASECAMP audience in 2020, and talked about being able to reach out to his friend Steve in difficult seasons. Attendees this year were encouraged by seeing and hearing Keith and Steve’s lived experience of enduring brotherhood, and in witnessing this strong real-life example of men truly being there for each other and spurring one another on in faith.

Watch an excerpt from Keith’s original interview here.

Watch the highlights from BASECAMP 2024 below!

Save the date for BASECAMP 2025

Zack Eswine will be joining BASECAMP in 2025 as keynote speaker! Save the dates in your calendar now, and sign up to the mailing list on the BASECAMP website to be notified when registrations open – don’t miss out!

BASECAMP Sydney: Sat 2 August, 2025
BASECAMP Mountains: Fri 8 – Sat 9 August, 2025

Missed out?

The BASECAMP 2024 talks and interviews will be up on the KCC One app in just a few weeks, with a KCC+ subscription.

Watch on your phone, tablet or laptop; listen to audio on the go; or read in your quiet time – with plenty of resources available on all your devices, be strengthened and encouraged in your faith in the way that suits you best! Read more at www.kccone.org.au/subscription.

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Article by KCC Staff
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