Miss being at the events?

Everything from our KCC One app to access event talks and quality Christian content, to men’s newsletters and Spotify playlists below, to keep you going after events.

A range of resources


KCC, for anyone, anytime, anywhere

Access the KCC Talks Library, view the event calendar, receive updates and more, on any device – laptop, tablet or mobile!

The KCC Talks Library has over 1300 resources currently available to watch, listen to and read, and you can access the full app library from just $4.99 a month. Talks, devotions and other resources are searchable, with more new (and old) talks from conventions being added regularly.

​Download the app now by searching “KCC One” in your mobile app store, or using the links below.

Become a key contact

Join our key contact family to be the first to hear rego news and receive resources to help your people get to events!

Sign Up Here

Other resources

Watch, listen, read & give the gift of a KCC experience

Visit KCC’s Youtube channel to watch some ​of our most popular sermons, highlights from events and more!

Watch Now

Listen to our playlists on Spotify, curated for our events.

Listen Now

A free monthly email with resources to ​help you live well as a Christian man.


Give the gift of experiencing a KCC event by purchasing a KCC gift card for a friend or family member.

Buy Now