Our current fundraising appeal

Want to support KCC financially another way? Keep reading to find out more about other ways to support KCC financially.
Donation Options
Support KCC this June
Scroll to the bottom of the form (above) to complete your donation.


KCC is a non-profit organisation whose vision is to see God’s Word transform the lives of Christians from all over our nation and beyond. Every donation made helps us to make this possible.

​​Your donation helps us to keep things running in the background, work to encourage more delegates to come and hear the Word, develop new initiatives to reach and minister to different needs, and to support fellow Christian ministries in their work.

One-off and Regular Giving

Ways to donate to KCC

We would be grateful if you would prayerfully consider financially supporting this ministry, either with a one-off donation, or on a regular giving pledge.

You can donate online here, or download a giving form to complete and return to us at info@kcc.org.au, or PO Box 156, Burwood NSW 1805.

Give a general donation to KCC to continue the work of this ministry via the buttons below (not tax-deductible).

To give via a direct bank transfer, please use the below details:

Account Name: Katoomba Christian Convention
BSB: 032 062 Account Number: 410 300
Reference: Please indicate General or Library Fund (more details on this below), and your name

KCC App Library Fund

Tax-deductible over $2

Your gift to the KCC App Library Fund will enable us to support the work of KCC One, so we can continue to produce high-quality, biblical content to watch, listen to and read; introduce features that make the app as user-friendly as possible; carry on sharing thousands of resources for free and through our low-cost subscription plan; and cover critical backend maintenance costs to keep it running.

All donations over $2 to the KCC App Library fund are tax-deductible.

Wills & Bequests

We are tremendously grateful that you are considering a gift to KCC in your will. In a world where God’s Word is increasingly needed, your legacy will enable this preaching ministry to continue to transform lives through His Word. Thank you.

The below is some suggested wording for any gifts you may wish to make:

I give (x% of the residue of my estate/ $_______/details of other specific assets) to Katoomba Christian Convention Ltd (ABN 86 000 153 560) (KCC) for KCC’s general purposes and I declare that the receipt of the Secretary or Treasurer or other proper officer of KCC shall be a sufficient discharge to my Executor.

I had my eyes lifted to Jesus and I was encouraged to persevere through the challenges of life, relying on Jesus.

— Thomas, BASECAMP