Support Us

Pray. Give. Volunteer.

You can support us in prayer, by giving financially or by volunteering at our events.

Ways to Support KCC

Pray for Us

Anything that we may do is dependent on God’s will and power. We want to rely on Him as we seek to carry out this ministry. We deeply value your support in prayer.


KCC is a non-profit organisation aiming for God’s Word to transform the lives of Christians throughout Australia and beyond. Every donation helps!


All our events rely on volunteer power—from convention committees to ushers on the day. All volunteers facilitate the preaching of God’s Word. We’d love to hear from you if you’re able to help!

Reflecting on his [God’s] love for us, made me understand a new purpose of life, to live a life that is representative of God’s love rather than actions stemming from my selfishness.

— Emily, KYCK