​7 ways to prepare your head and heart for BASECAMP men’s conference this August.
​1. Tune your heart for worship with the BASECAMP Spotify playlist

Familiarise yourself with the BASECAMP song list by following our Spotify playlist here. Whether you’re looking for a playlist for relaxing, study or the commute to work, the BASECAMP playlist is filled with hymns that will tune your heart for worship.
2. Grab your BASECAMP merch

We have a fresh drop of BASECAMP merch for 2022 including a classic long sleeve polo, black or navy BASECAMP socks, as well as a limited-edition BASECAMP beanie! These items will be sold exclusively on-site at our 2022 City and Mountains events, or you can order after BASECAMP on our website.
3. Secure your Online Conference Pack

If you can’t join us in-person this year, you can join us for the BASECAMP Livestreamed event at a convenient location of your choice! Registrations will give you access to BASECAMP 2022 live and on-demand until 12 September 2022. Make sure you register before Thursday 4 August to secure your Online Conference Pack including a printed booklet and pen. Register now.

4. Pray for BASECAMP

Please join us in praying for BASECAMP men’s conference!
 Pray that God will speak powerfully through our speakers, Mal and Jonathan.Pray for God’s work in our delegates. Pray for His will to be done and that our delegates will be reminded of their purpose as God’s sons and hear His word with open ears, minds and hearts.Pray for event logistics and AV and that everything will run smoothly on the day.Pray for our unbelieving friends, that they will hear and respond positively to God’s word being preached.Pray that men’s ministry in local churches will be strengthened as a result of BASECAMP 2022.

5. Familiarise yourself with Scripture that will be preached on the day 

Prepare your hearts and heads for the topic of Sonship by reading the following passages that will be covered at BASECAMP 22: 1 John 3:1-3Ephesians 1:1-14Romans 8:1-30
6. Download the KCC One App to access FREE content after BASECAMP 

Download the KCC One App to access BASECAMP Local, a free 4-part video series that you can use to further reflect on the topic of Sonship, either by yourself or with your brothers at church. Download now.
7. Grab your last-minute tickets! 

There’s still time for you and your friends to join us for a fantastic day, hearing powerful preaching with 1,300+ brothers! Grab your last-minute tickets here: https://basecampmen.com/registration/#rego

Article by Heidi Tai
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