For Amelia and her family, Katoomba Easter Convention (KEC) isn’t just a yearly event—it’s a cherished tradition that has shaped their faith over the years. From attending as a teenager in the Junior High program to now bringing her own children along, Amelia shares why KEC is a “spiritual intensive” for the family, equipping them with the tools to stand firm in their faith.  

1. Please introduce your family!

    Hi my name is Amelia and I am married to Pete. We have two daughters, Norah, who is 4 years old and Florence, who is 6 months. We go to Maitland Evangelical Church in the Hunter Valley and together we’ve attended about ten KEC’s. Plus, we’ve volunteered on the Junior High team and we’ve listened online. 

    2. What made you start attending KEC? 

      Initially, I came along to KEC with my family and I attended the Junior High program. It was freezing cold that year and we were all squeezed into Clairvaux. I remember the talks were on the theme of ‘Killing the Me-First Monster.” 

      Being from rural NSW, my first KEC was quite an impactful experience because at the time I only had one other Christian friend, and the concept of actively fighting against our sinfulness was pretty unfamiliar. 

      Going to KEC that first time brought forth so much fruit in my life because it encouraged me to develop healthy spiritual habits, plus it was super fun! Now that I am Mum, I’ve been praying that KEC will be an encouragement to my girls just like it was me! 

      Now that I am Mum, I’ve been praying that KEC will be an encouragement to my girls just like it was me! 

      3. What is the highlight of your KEC experience? 

        Picking just one highlight is such a tough task because each year I am so richly blessed. However, last year we decided to take our daughter Norah along to the night program despite it being well past her bedtime. After the shared dinner in the courtyard, we went into the auditorium and Norah was immediately excited by the buzz. She was welcomed by many different people and was so comfortable that when the music started, she sang along and danced in the aisle. 

        It was particularly encouraging for me because it gave me a real sense of God’s big family and it gave us a chance to worship together. Moreover, I was really grateful that she felt like the ‘big program’ was as much for her as it was for the adults. If you’re apprehensive about taking your kids along to the night program, don’t be! 

        4. How has KEC encouraged you and your kids’ faith? 

          Norah recently had the opportunity to complete an ‘intensive week’ at our local swim school. And although she can already swim, she attended 6 lessons over the week and was taught the survival skills she needed to feel confident in the water. I feel as though KEC is a bit of a spiritual intensive for our family, teaching us the survival skills we need to stay firm in the faith. 

          I feel as though KEC is a bit of a spiritual intensive for our family, teaching us the survival skills we need to stay firm in the faith. 

          My husband and I always learn something new about the character of God and as a result, we’re refreshed, renewed and convicted. We leave KEC confident that God will continue to be faithful throughout whatever hardships we might face in the coming year. 

          Likewise, the kids program spurred my daughter on to tell her friends about Jesus. She still remembers the songs she sang and she often talks about going back to “Easter-Vention”

          5. Why would you recommend KEC to other families? 

            In the past, KEC has been freezing cold, our family has been over-tired, we’ve spent an hour waiting in traffic and we’ve exhausted ourselves trying to carry our daughter up that massive hill! But each and every year, we have been spurred on to love Christ more. KEC has yielded so much spiritual growth in each of us that it’s worth all the inconveniences. 

            And plus, the inconveniences are the exact same as the ones you’d be having if you’d stayed home! So why not experience them alongside a thousand other Christians in the beautiful Blue Mountains! The KEC coordinators have done a really great job of making the convention accessible for families. There is a well-equipped parent’s room and there is always someone who is happy to help out if you need.  

            There’s something for everyone at KEC. We can’t wait to see you in the mountains over Easter! 

            Article by Patrizha Yeomans
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