An invitation to witness God’s purposes and filling of emptiness at OneLove this August. ​
Depleted. Barren. Emptied. 
Have you ever felt this way, where life feels choked out by thorns and thistles? Your innocence was once crushed by a broken heart, or you currently face the silence of an empty womb. You dread the futility of the 9-5 or your soul feels parched by Death’s sting. Your dreams have been robbed by regret or you have found yourself at the very top—alone and unsatisfied.  
Futile. Aimless. Heavy burdened.  

Is God ashamed of our emptiness? Can He really work when our tanks are emptied?
While the world may see emptiness as a great problem, the God of the Bible sees it as His greatest opportunity. This is because God does His best work despite our emptiness, and we see this in the Bible where He works powerfully, uniquely, and repeatedly in the lives of empty people.  
Over three sessions at OneLove women’s conference this August, International speaker and author, Nancy Guthrie, will open the Scriptures to show us profound emptiness experienced in the insatiable cravings of the Israelites in the wilderness, the thirst in the Woman at the well, and the rich young ruler who came to Jesus in search of the one thing money could not buy. In each of these stories, we will witness God filling emptiness with His grace and kindness; presence and purpose.  
If you are tired of filling your life with hopes and dreams that only leave you feeling parched and empty, join us at OneLove for a day of powerful preaching, refreshment, and fellowship. Learn how you can be “filled to the measure of all the fullness of God” (Eph 3:19)a spiritual filling that promises to breathe hope into the empty places of your life. 

Be Refilled At OneLove 2022! 
It has been three years since KCC women have gathered in-person, so OneLove 22 will be a truly special day filled with encouragement, refreshment, and fellowship!   
OneLove 22 will return on Saturday 20 August at the Sydney Town Hall. Early Bird tickets are now available until midnight, 17 July for both our in-person or livestreamed options. For more information visit our website:  ​
Article by Heidi Tai
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