Who do you trust?
A loving and supportive parent?
A leader with integrity?
A friend who has been loyal over time?
Is there anyone who is worthy of all your trust—with absolutely everything? Or has time proven that even the best of human relationships can fail or disappoint, and that trusting someone comes at a level of risk?
While some of us have a long list of trusted confidants, others are more cautious and skeptical, choosing to trust in only themselves. However, even the most self-sufficient person has limits—in strength, resources and wisdom. A life independent from others can feel lonely and exhausting.
After all, humans are interconnected and dependent beings—from young we crave attachment and relationship. But if the people around us are limited and finite, who exactly can we trust with all our needs and desires—both today and into eternity?
At OneLove this year, guest speaker, Jackie Hill Perry will preach on the theme “Worthy of Trust: The God Who Sees Us”. Guiding us through Scripture, Jackie will refresh our eyes to the goodness and beauty of God while empowering our hearts to put our entire trust in Him:
“If God is holy, then it means He can’t sin, and if God can’t sin, then it means He can’t sin against me, shouldn’t that make Him the most trustworthy being there is?” – Jackie Hill Perry
The Christian is called to trust God, but what makes Him worthy of our trust?
What if God doesn’t always feel very loving, supportive, loyal or righteous?
Is God even aware of our circumstances or understand the details of our lives?
If you have doubts about God’s character, feel abandoned in sorrow, or unseen in suffering; or if you want to be further strengthened in the trust that you already have, then OneLove is for you.
Join us on Saturday 26 August, to be refreshed and inspired to live wholeheartedly for a holy God who truly sees, loves, and can care for you—both today and eternity. Bring a group from your church, play group or Bible Study, and make it a special day of encouragement and fellowship!
For more information about OneLove visit the website: www.onelovewomen.com