“I remember when you used to love me
You were so beautiful back then
So fruitful back then
When you used to love me
But, you have forsaken your first love
So come back to me”
(An excerpt from Blair Linne’s Poem, “I Remember When You Used to Love Me”, recited at OneLove 2024.)
Each year, OneLove provides a much-needed refresh for women, to take time out from everyday routines, spend a day soaking in God’s Word and walk away with cups full of love and joy in the Lord. This year, international speaker Blair Linne, inspired women to remember the Father’s joy, and why this is important in reigniting our devotion to Him and overcome complacency.

Over 1,600 women across Australia and overseas joined together in fellowship at the OneLove 2024 conference in August, in-person and online. Through faithful Bible teaching and shared stories, women were encouraged with a refreshed view of what it means to be a child of God and how it shapes everything we do.
Bible teacher and Spoken Word Artist, Blair Linne, presented two talks to address the theme, “Overcoming Complacency: How the Joy of the Father Can Reignite Your Devotion”.
Her first talk was derived from the parable of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15:11-32. Titled, “The Father’s Joy (Two Types of Lostness)”, Blair helped women to consider the actions of both sons depicted in this story and identify the lostness and complacency that each of them bring. Both sons were complacent and wanted the Father’s inheritance rather than Him. The younger son runs away from his father to pursue immorality. The elder son also “runs away”, but his pursuit is towards morality.
Blair explained that complacency has us placing things, whether immoral or moral, over God Himself. We can be around the Father, but not satisfied in the Father. She highlighted that the story in Luke 15:11-32 exposes our own lack of appreciation for the Father’s joy and gracious love, and yet, even in our complacency, the joy of the Father is constant. He is still near to us and is still patient with us.
“There are two ways to run from the Father or deny the Father: immorality and morality. But there is only one way to come to the Father, and that is by faith.”
In her second talk from Ephesians 1:3-14 titled, “The Blessed Father (Blessed in the Beloved)”, Blair shared that like the brothers in Luke 15, there is a contrast between the Jews and the Gentiles. There was a complacency by the Jews in understanding the full scope of God’s gospel which would include Gentiles as well as the Jews. These disputes cause Gentiles to question their standing as well, which would hinder them or cause them to be complacent and kept from their full gospel identity.
The Father’s joy and love is the stabilising truth which shifts us from complacency to devotion. Blair presented this passage to demonstrate that a way to overcome complacency is by grasping what God has done for us. Do we realise the divine forethought God used to craft all the blessings ordained for us, so that we might be with Him? We must recognise who we have in our Heavenly Father and the right blessings we have attained because of Christ, and all to the praise of His glorious grace.
“We have been stamped with God’s seal of security and no one can take that away from us. As hard as the enemy may try, he cannot remove the seal.”
Blair ended her second talk reciting a Spoken Word poem she wrote at a time when she personally experienced complacency. Her poem, “I Remember When You Used to Love Me”, deeply resonated with the women as she reminded them to return to their first love, God the Father.
Blair also joined the much-loved Q&A segment. Her honesty in her own personal testimony on facing anxiety and fatherlessness sparked countless questions around mental health, ministry life and shifting our focus towards eternity. Many felt moved by her wise and sincere responses during the session.

Women at OneLove were also presented with testimonies and stories throughout the day from everyday women who have wrestled with what it means to really delight in the Father and not just be around Him. Marissa presented a beautiful and thoughtful reflection on how we can ask questions, experience discomfort, sit in uncertainty and still seek God–in sharing stories with one another and God, recognising our grounding in and around scripture. Abi and Diana joined the platform as part of the Fireside Chat to provide women with insights into what complacency might look like in other people’s lives and to be equipped with practical strategies and suggestions as to how to best overcome it.
A particular highlight was the video testimony from Yuni – an inspiring Christian woman, wife and mother with a special needs son. Through her testimony, women were reminded that though we’re tempted to think doing everything is the antidote to complacency, Yuni helpfully reminded us that serving the Lord looks different in different seasons:
“I may not be as active in church as I used to be, but I find deep purpose in my ministry at home knowing that this is where God is calling me to serve right now. The Lord can display His Glory through my situation.”

For many women, Blair’s gentle, sincere, yet strong and bold message, was truly a highlight of the day, as they were comforted and challenged to remember God’s boundless love for His children and the joy that it brings in our lives and the way we serve Him. It was also a beautiful day to enjoy fellowship with friends, family, other churches and women’s groups.
“I really loved hearing the testimonies of the ladies who shared. I think God gives us stories to share and encourage each other. It helps us see how God is working and gives us a sense of him in the wider church.” – Eleisha
“Encouraged the most by Blair’s poem she recited at the end – brought tears to my eyes. I was also greatly encouraged by God’s word from Ephesians – I am chosen, adopted, redeemed, sealed and have an inheritance because of Jesus.” – Paula
“The talks were so encouraging for me to not be complacent but to serve with joy and passion. I was also encouraged to not let difficult times get me down but to persevere to the end.” – Prue
“OneLove was an opportunity where I was surrounded by women who all shared the same goal of growing in godliness. We are all one in Christ, and are called to encourage one another and build one another up; and I believe this was achieved at OneLove. The community that was formed amongst women from all different places, who were unknown to each other before, speaks to the power of the gospel in bringing people together and the truth of the body of Christ – all united by our living desire to please the Lord. OneLove 2024 was an expression of how good our God is, to have given us people to walk alongside us in this life – women from all walks meeting together to praise and worship the one true God.” – Laura
“It wasn’t just one thing, I loved it all. So much variety & not too much of one thing. Kept me interested throughout the conference. God is SO good!!! I love our community & that was shared all the way through.” – Deb
Save the Date for OneLove 2025

Jackie Hill Perry will be joining OneLove in 2025 as keynote speaker on Saturday 23rd August 2025! Save the date in your calendar now, and sign up to the mailing list on the OneLove website to be notified when registrations open – don’t miss out!
Missed out or want to rewatch the talks?
The OneLove 2024 talks and interviews will be up on the KCC One app on October 3, with a KCC+ subscription.
Watch on your phone, tablet or laptop; listen to audio on the go; or read in your quiet time – with plenty of resources available on all your devices, be strengthened and encouraged in your faith in the way that suits you best! Read more at www.kccone.org.au/subscription.