For Camille, attending Katoomba Easter Convention (KEC) for the first time wasn’t just about hearing great Bible teaching or enjoying time in the mountains — it was about witnessing God’s transforming power in a close friend’s life. Though she only attended one night session, Camille left deeply encouraged by the unity, worship, and impact of the gospel at KEC.

1. Can you please introduce yourself and when you started attending KEC?

My name is Camille. I’m 24 and I’ve been fortunate to be Christian all my life. I went to KEC last year with my boyfriend Peter, and another couple – Eliza and Ben. They were there for the entire weekend, but Peter and I just attended the night session. This was my first ever KEC!  

2. What made you start attending KEC?  

I came along to KEC because of Eliza. She has always one of my closest friends but wasn’t a Christian. She had been brought along to KEC the year before (2023) by her partner’s family, and later described to me how she was so moved during the weekend that it brought her to tears.  

That weekend was a massive turning point for her and now she has a relationship with Jesus! When she invited me to come along last year, I was really interested to see what it was all about, and what exactly it was about KEC that had been so powerful for her.  

3. Can you share a KEC highlight?  

I think my highlight was standing in the congregation, next to Eliza, thinking just how incredible it was that we were here, together, worshipping God. I had been praying for Eliza for many years and it was just so incredible to see her fully embracing the faith and so changed. We don’t go to the same church, so this is still a new and special experience for me.  

I had been praying for Eliza for many years and it was just so incredible to see her fully embracing the faith and so changed.

4. Why would you recommend KEC to others? 

KEC has been an encouragement to me in many ways, but particularly in how it has shaped Eliza’s journey. Even though I only attended one night session, I would recommend KEC as it was a beautiful way to spend Easter, surrounded by God’s family. It’s not often you’re singing with a chorus of hundreds of Christians or praying alongside that many brothers and sisters in one place. So, I really appreciate the opportunity that KEC offers for Christians from different walks of life to come together.  

Whether you spend the whole day or just join us for an evening session, there’s something for everyone at KEC. We can’t wait to see you in the mountains over Easter! Register here.

Not sure how to make the most of your day? Here’s a simple guide to help you plan your visit and enjoy everything KEC has to offer.

Article by Patrizha Yeomans
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