In this workshop, “Pastoral Supervision: Protecting Your Heart to Go the Distance in Ministry” from Oxygen 2023, Susan Marcuccio invites ministry workers to examine their hearts for the things that have the power to end one’s ministry.
She begins by explaining that while there are many things that can affect our ministry—accusations, discouragement, conflict, sickness, moral failure, addictions—none of these external things hold the power to ruin our ministry because God is in control. Rather, it is the internal things of the heart—bitterness, unforgiveness, cynicism—that can grow and fester to make us lose passion for ministry.
Susan then explains the value of pastoral supervision in giving ministry workers a safe, trustworthy and confidential space to share how they are really going, and to guard their hearts so that they can go the distance in ministry.
Oxygen 2023 Workshops Now Available on KCC+

This workshop is part of our KCC+ January 2024 collection, “Shaping Our Hearts”, available exclusively for subscribers. The collection includes 12 workshops from Oxygen 2023, designed to help workers understand the inner and outer challenges of ministry, while providing practical wisdom to renew and revive passion for the work God has called them to do. Here’s a preview of what’s available:
- Why aren’t they singing? – Crafting a Sound That Invites the Congregation
by Grant Norsworthy
- Mending the Broken Hearted: Trauma Informed Pastoral Ministry by Tim Dyer
- Serving Confidently Amidst Strain, Uncertainty and Change by Grant Bickerton
- Mental Health and Ministry by Miriam Chan
- The Importance of Emotional Self Awareness for Healthy Ministry by Dave & Kathy Thurston
See the full list of workshops here.
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