Urging and inspiring young adults in their commitment to Christ
Starting in 2025.
Spark urges and inspires young adults to be wholehearted in their commitment to Jesus Christ.
Young adulthood is a formative time of life: you’re finding your own way and making decisions that could steer the course of your life. And you’re doing that while the world is relentlessly selling you its dream of who and what you could and should become.
As a Christian, to navigate that wisely, you need to be well-grounded in understanding what your life is for. Because the truth is you only get one shot at life, and it’s the dressing room for all eternity. So how you use every hour, how you spend every day, how you invest every year, really matters.
Visit Spark WebsiteNancy’s talk from Hosea was just such a powerful demonstration of God’s love for me and it was in a way I’d never heard before and it just struck a chord with me. I was crying … I couldn’t deny God any longer!

Attendee, OneLove