In this talk from Katoomba Easter Convention 2024, Matt Sparks empowers us to resist worldliness with a cultural commentary of our world’s call to expressive individualism of forging and finding your identity on a journey of self-actualisation.
Matt helps us to see that while slogans such as “you do you” and “be true to yourself” are popular life scripts for our generation, living by these mottos will put you in opposition to God’s calling for us to be formed into the image of Christ.
This talk will help listeners grow in discernment of our culture’s emphasis on forging an identity of feelings, ‘authentic’ living and sexual expression, while encouraging us to see how worldliness may have creeped into our personal values and world views.
Key quote:
“The irony of modern-day identity formation is it says, “I can be whoever I want to be and do whatever I want to do”, and at the same time it will demand that society validate their chosen identity.”
Easter Convention 2024 Talks Now Available on KCC+
At Katoomba Easter Convention (KEC) this year, over 2,300 delegates joined to be empowered in their faith and to consider how they can conquer worldliness. Through sermons, topicals and inspiring testimonies, delegates were encouraged to remain faithful to God despite the attractiveness of secularism and opposition to Christianity in the Western world.
Program highlights included expository talks by John North, Tim Blencowe and Matt Sparks; Rachel Ciano’s biographical talks of the lives of Richard Baxter and Gladys Aylward, and livecross interviews with Paul Tripp and Glen Scrivener.
All 11 talks are now exclusively available on the app for all our KCC+ subscriber family. Subscribe now from only $4.99/month to get instant access to these talks and much more!