In this interview, Zoe shares why she has continued to attend OneLove over the last 5 years and the impact that the teaching and fellowship has had on her faith and ministry. She also shares her sermon takeaways from this year, and the impact of being able to gather with like-minded Christian women at events like OneLove.

1. How many times have you attended OneLove, what made you attend this year?
I love attending OneLove and have been coming almost every year since I was in year 10, which means I have attended, online or in person, about 5 times! I came along this year because of how great the previous years had been! I also love the book ‘Gay Girl Good God’ by Jackie Hill Perry, so was keen to hear from her.
2. What was a highlight of this year’s conference?
This year’s conference highlight was hearing a multitude of women singing praises to God. It always gives me goosebumps. So thankful for the ability to worship our great God and for the great musicians to lead us in that.
3. What was something that struck you about the talks?
Something that really stuck me in the talks was the sheer power of God. I often forget His authority in the world, but the talks were a helpful reminder of how God has been working and is working in our lives. It was awesome to look at how he works all things for His glory and that nothing we do can stuff up the plan of God. What a relief! He knows us and yet uses us to bring about His purposes! What a powerful God!
4 How has OneLove encouraged your faith?
OneLove talks encouraged my faith, reminding me that despite being a sinful person, God chose to save me, and even more so, he decides to use me for his ministry. We are fragile jars of clay, but he made us ambassadors for Christ. He called us to spread the love of God with the world and he gives us the power of His son through the Holy Spirit. When there is great news like that, how could I not go out into the world to tell people about Jesus?
5. Why should women attend OneLove in the future?
Women should come to OneLove because it is a GREAT day that encourages and challenges you to live every day for God. The day serves as a reminder that we are not alone in the ministry of God. The world may persecute us but a conference like OneLove shows us that there are so many other Christians who are going through the same thing; working together for the same purpose of growing God’s kingdom. We are united in Christ; sisters in Christ. We are not alone in the Christian walk because we have a Christian family and, most of all, we have God!
Early Bird tickets now available for OneLove 2024
OneLove is a one-day event for all women to gather under life-changing preaching and enjoy fantastic fellowship. Whether you have been a Christian for many years or are still seeking answers about God, join us and be encouraged, refreshed, and renewed for the journey ahead.
Early Bird tickets are now available and include access to the event, a printed booklet, morning tea, lunch and a conference gift. Secure your tickets today:
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