OneLove women’s conference is happening this Saturday, 24th August! From dedicated time to sit under God’s Word, a prayerfully thought-out program, to wonderful worship and all the extra things that make a conference day out special – there is something for everyone to benefit from.

Here are just a few of the things attendees last year had to say:

So many times l have missed out but this year l was fortunate to hear in time to attend. It was my first time and have never experienced  such a wonderful gathering … l am still learning about the love of God and his wonderful gifts to his faithful.  It was an awesome experience to be part of a gathering of Christian women.

I always find it very encouraging, and taking time to stop and listen with 3 small children is hard. I also really appreciate that it’s a women’s conference that doesn’t feel hyper feminine or too “pink” and allows space for lots of different expressions of womanhood.

I was able to invite my Mum along (young in her faith) for the day, without it being too daunting for her to come. The talks were so, so good! All the segments were fantastic, including live and video testimonies! It was great to be together with so many believers – all one in Christ Jesus.

I loved that OneLove broke the mould of a women’s event and actively ensured a diverse range of speakers from backgrounds, faiths, ages presented.

I’ve spent the last 12 months serving every Sunday in my home church and this weekend meant that I got to be served and shown love. I haven’t been in a space of worship like I was on Saturday for the longest time. So thank you! It’s reignited a lot for me!

OneLove gave me a renewed love for Jesus and fresh perspective of studying His Word. The event ran so smoothly and was well structured to keep energy high and the audience engaged. I was concerned about sitting all day but found I could have easily sat through the night!

Don’t miss out this year! It’s not too late to get tickets (or join us online if you can’t make it in-person!)

OneLove women’s conference is happening on Saturday 24th August at the Hillsong Convention Centre. Grab some friends, and get your tickets from our website:   

Article by Mary Jung
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