Registrations are now open for Katoomba Easter Convention (KEC) 2024.
Hosted by Katoomba Christian Convention, KEC is an annual event aimed at encouraging people to rest and grow in God’s word each Easter. For many families with children, KEC has been adopted as a family tradition; a way for parents to communicate the significance of Christ’s death and resurrection and prioritisation of spiritual growth each year.
Since 1962, God has used KEC to transform entire families, with children growing up through the children’s programs, and graduating as men and women who are convicted to live for Jesus alone:
“Through the Kid’s program, I was annually fed with engaging and solid Bible teaching, which allowed me to thank Jesus for what he has done in every stage of life. KEC has been a major influence in the way I know Jesus and express my faith today.”
Anna, KEC Delegate and Volunteer
“KEC is an opportunity for a family get together with a gospel centred focus. Our children in the past and now our grandchildren love the children’s program and are encouraged and fed in their walk with the Lord and enjoy fellowship with KEC friends. Adults likewise are encouraged and challenged to continue to serve the Lord.”
Gaye, KEC Delegate
In 2024, the program will be built around the theme: “Conquering Worldliness: Resisting the Gravitational Pull of the World”, with delegates invited to consider how they can remain faithful as Christians in an increasingly secular world.
The program will feature empowering Bible talks, inspiring Christian testimonies, uplifting worship in song, and breaks for relaxation and fellowship.
With age-specific programs for everyone from Keenites (toddlers) to adults, all are welcome to join us this Easter.
For more information or to purchase your tickets, visit the website:
To receive the latest KEC updates including updates on 2024 speakers, follow us on Facebook or Instagram.